Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Feather Tool


WWW: I quickly memorised how to use the feather tool to fade out my images
EBI: I learnt how to use more of the shortcuts 

Step 1= copy and paste an image of google and press ctrl+T to adjust it.
Step 2= Then press the marquee tool on the left and adjust the feather bar at the top to how ever many pixels you want.
Step 3= draw inside your image and press Ctrl+shift+i to invert it.
Step 4= Press backspace to fade it away.

Tuesday, 16 November 2021


WWW: I found it easy to put text onto different shapes
EBI: I spent more time on it so that I can get better


In photoshop we had to use a special tool called FX to change the design, shape, colour and fonts of our text. This is just a practice of it as we have only just learned how to do it.

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